What Is The Role Of Perinatologist In High-Risk Pregnancies?

Perinatology, another name for maternal-fetal medicine, is a field of medicine that concentrates on treating maternal and fetal health issues before, during, and right after pregnancy. Obstetricians who concentrate on maternal-fetal medicine are known as subspecialists. They might collaborate closely with doctors or neonatologists after delivery. Perinatologists help mothers with both pre-existing medical issues and pregnancy-related problems.

What do Perinatologists Do?

Obstetrician-gynecologists (OBGYNs) who focus on high-risk births are known as perinatologists. Perinatologists are high-risk OBGYNs or experts in maternal-fetal medicine (MFM). They concentrate on births where the mother or the fetus experiences a health issue. Before or soon after becoming pregnant, you may consult a perinatologist if you have a chronic medical problem. Sometimes, a person becomes pregnant with a disease requiring additional perinatologist monitoring or testing. A perinatologist may also be engaged in your prenatal care if the fetus has a congenital disorder or birth abnormality. Perinatologists are in charge of the following:

  • Pre-conception health screening for illnesses that could cause pregnancy complications
  • routine testing and prenatal treatment for high-risk pregnancies
  • If you’re managing a pregnant person’s new or current medical conditions
  • If you’re utilizing ultrasounds or other procedures to identify congenital disabilities or genetic disorders.
  • If your physician is assisting with birth and labor as necessary
  • They are addressing issues related to childbirth.
  • If your pregnancy is high-risk, you might require additional care or focus on guaranteeing a healthy pregnancy and delivery.

If you’re experiencing a high-risk pregnancy or the fetus is thought to have a complicated medical disease or congenital disability, your OBGYN may recommend that you see a perinatologist. Most OBGYNs can typically handle minor pregnancy complications like well-controlled high blood pressure or gestational diabetes. However, they will send you to a perinatologist or maternal-fetal medicine specialist if the condition worsens or is beyond the scope of your normal OBGYN’s training. OBGYNs frequently seek a second opinion from a perinatologist. 

Some individuals visit a perinatologist even before they become pregnant because they know it will be a high-risk pregnancy. In other situations, a medical problem arises unanticipatedly or due to pregnancy. Your physician may refer you to a perinatologist before or during pregnancy if you have multiple pregnancies, a history of miscarriages or stillbirths, severe high blood pressure or preeclampsia, a history of heart disease, seizures, or kidney issues, or if you have lupus, diabetes, severe high blood pressure, preeclampsia, or are at risk for preterm labor (twins, triplets, or more). After giving birth, you might visit a perinatologist if you have excessive vaginal bleeding, an illness, or any other health issue.

Visit Rosenberg Maternal Fetal Medicine and Our Trained Perinatologists

The mere fact that your pregnancy is high-risk does not indicate an issue with the fetus or that it is dangerous. As a result of the marginally increased chance of a problem, you will receive closer monitoring. If your OBGYN refers you to a perinatologist, call us at Rosenberg Maternal Fetal Medicine at (845) 764-9880. We can guide you through your pregnancy and ensure your child is cared for properly. Your baby’s health matters to us, and we know it matters to you.
