Ultrasound Monitoring for Multiples

Risk Factors and Complications For Multiple Pregnancies

In pregnancy, complications increase with each additional fetus, causing numerous medical issues to develop. For mothers, having chronic health conditions increase the likelihood of genetic and delivery issues for twins, triplets, and In pregnancy, complications increase with each additional fetus, causing potential for problems to develop. Chronic health conditions further increase the likelihood of genetic abnormalities and delivery issues for twins, triplets, and other types of multiple pregnancies. If you are pregnant with twins, triplets, and even quadruplets, you can be confident that our team can detect and address the potential problems that may occur with your pregnancy and give you the optimal chance for a successful pregnancy and delivery.

At Rosenberg Maternal-Fetal Medicine, we provide screenings and management techniques for various risks with your pregnancy, including:

  • Preterm Birth: Preterm birth (birth that occur before the 37th week) occurs more frequently in twin pregnancies and triplets.
  • Placental Problems: In a pregnancy with multiples, the placenta can be impacted and prevent adequate oxygen and nutrient delivery to one or more fetuses, causing premature placental aging and restricted fetal growth. For those with identical twins, twin-twin transfusion can occur, causing poor fetal growth and/or excessive fluid development, resulting in a number of possible complications.
  • Preeclampsia: This condition occurs two to five times more often in pregnancy with multiples than in regular pregnancies. For those at higher risk due to chronic health conditions, preeclampsia increases the risk of mortality for the pregnant mother and other life-threatening complications for the fetuses.
  • Gestational Diabetes: Women carrying multiples are more likely to develop gestational diabetes, causing an increased risk of various newborn complications.
  • Other Fetal Complications: Other complications, including genetic conditions, respiratory distress syndrome, gastrointestinal problems, and long-term disability, can occur more frequently in women with a high-risk pregnancy.

How We Work To Prevent High-Risk Complications

The ultimate goal at Rosenberg Maternal-Fetal Medicine is to achieve the healthiest results for mothers and their newborns. Whether you wish to have children or are pregnant, our team of maternal-fetal medicine specialists, The ultimate goal at Rosenberg Maternal-Fetal Medicine is to achieve the healthiest results for both mothers and their newborns. Our team can monitor your pregnancy, perform tests and screenings to assess for risks, and help develop a fully inclusive treatment plan for you to have a healthy pregnancy and safe delivery. For more information about our services, treatment options, and consultations, contact our practice to schedule an appointment with Dr. Rosenberg. You and your babies deserve to experience our superior maternal care.